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All about your business
Is cost cutting the answer to improve finance management?
From the perspective of a business consultant; while a business is built on the basis of an Infinite number of...

All about your business
Four key financial challenges facing SMEs
Over the last few months, Business Doctors have been exploring the key challenges small businesses across Ireland are facing as...

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Branding - is it time for a refresh?
Well-managed branding can give you a genuine sustainable competitive advantage. This is especially relevant if you are looking to...

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Goals...are you using yours properly?
Getting your goals right I often find that when I speak with people about business goals and more importantly, what...

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It's better to GIVE...and improve your business in return
It’s time to take a long hard look in the mirror…to understand your capabilities as a business, and what makes...

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Sales on the slide? Then OPEN the door
Increasing lead generation and sales in the current climate Human beings are hardwired to avoid pain and gain pleasure. Scientific...

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12 tips for improving your business cashflow
January is a notorious time of year for businesses having tight cash-flow. Take a look at the next 12 tips...
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The mystery of cash flow
What is cash flow? The Cambridge dictionary defines cash flow as: noun ˈkæʃ ˌfləʊ/ the amount of money moving into...

All about your business
Business Management
The Elephant in the Room
So what can an SME learn from a corporate? Not much you might think as they are so fundamentally different....