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What is Customer Happiness?

John Nelligan

happy customers

…And how does it differ from Customer Satisfaction?

What makes a customer happy? A product that’s exactly what they wanted? Or that they had no issues with the service that the business provided? This isn’t bad, but it’s the standard. Customer happiness runs much deeper. It’s more than a customer simply being satisfied with a business’s service! So, what exactly is customer happiness and how does it differ from customer satisfaction?

Customer Happiness

Happiness is a state of joy, pleasure and contentment. In terms of their whole buying/investing experience with a company, how many customers would actually describe this process as ‘joyful’?

Have you ever purchased a product accompanied with a personalised message thanking you for your business? Or had a small business keeping in regular contact with you throughout your interaction with them? Companies that succeed in making their customers happy rather than satisfied add an extra touch of personality and gratitude to their relationships with consumers.

How Does Customer Happiness Differ from Customer Satisfaction?

Customer happiness is everything customer satisfaction is, but more. Satisfaction is the standard expected from customers. Good service, quality product and updates. A business settling for the required level of customer satisfaction will be open to receiving reviews and hearing what their customers are saying. They may ask for feedback via email for example. However, a business aiming for happiness will actually listen and take on board their client’s suggestions. This is reflected in the company’s development over the coming months. Satisfaction stems from a basic understanding of customer wants and needs. However, it doesn’t reach customers on an emotional level, unlike customer happiness.

Chief Research and Product Officer at Forrester Research, Cliff Condon, suggests that “Emotion is critical to a brand’s bottom line.” Without a personal touch, the highest a business can hope for is the standard in customer relations.

Think Happy

To keep customers satisfied, a business can simply keep up with the expected. To make their customers happy, a business operate by a philosophy of personal touch and gratitude. The customers are the most important people to a business. Companies must go the extra mile to make them feel valued and appreciated – it’ll be worth its weight in gold!

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