Do you have a marketing plan in place?
John Nelligan
An increasing number of small and medium sized businesses see the value of a marketing plan.
Digital marketing means cost-effective and targeted communications are now possible by everyone, and small businesses can now compete with large businesses for the attention of customers.
But this level playing field requires focus and a consistent approach to be effective. Successful marketing is based on the strategic use of tools and techniques to communicate with customers in a way that will compel them towards your business and it’s products and services, or in other words it needs a plan.
A solid marketing plan should:
- Be defined by the overall vision for your business
- Focus on your sales goals and help achieve them
- Bring together the right tools and channels to ensure a focused approach to communications
- Ensure timely implementation for maximum impact
- Allow for monitoring of results against pre-determined targets
There’s no point in placing an advert in a newspaper if none of your customers read it. Equally, by engaging in a conversation with a potential referral partner on LinkedIn you could see your business move into new fields. For the greatest results the plan should focus on the astute use of time, budget and the tools available.
Do you have the confidence to produce a solid marketing plan? Does your marketing produce the right results? Why not book an appointment with us and see if we can help to get your marketing working for you?
Complete the Free Health Check form and we’ll be in touch.
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