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Business owners, break the cycle & get a sounding board.

John Nelligan


Do you remember why you started your business? What was your vision? Was it to:

  • Have flexibility to do what you want, when you want?
  • Earn a pile of money and become rich?
  • Dominate the world?
  • Leave a legacy?
  • Focus on the skills you enjoy and not have to report to others?
  • Give something back to society?
  • Prove you can build something from scratch?
  • Gain recognition & respect in the community?
  • There was no other option as you could not find employment?
  • To retire early?
  • Be in control of your own destiny?


So, are you getting there or is reality:

  • You’ve started but you need someone to check you are on the right track?
  • You are in a growth phase but killing yourself sorting out the day to day issues?
  • You are successful, but aren’t sure about the best way to scale up?
  • You have a good income but need to boost it quickly, to maximise the sale value?
  • Time has crept up on you and you would now like to train a successor?
  • You have just had enough, times have changed, and you want to sell or pass it on?


If so, you are not alone. Many business owners have these feelings, and many choose not to address the issues. However, those who want to achieve their vision, by breaking the cycle can. Often it is as simple as just having someone to use as a sounding board to reset the business. What could not be better than asking someone who has grown, restructured and diversified businesses before?

If you want to make a difference, find out more about me by checking out this link, and if you think I can help, then request a no-obligation free business health check