Keep It Simple
In today’s world of sound-bites and “elevator pitches” I often get asked that dreaded question: “what’s the one thing you would advise a business leader to do more of?” Now that’s a hard question. Every business is different, not only in terms of what they do or how they deliver it. Each business has its own personality if you will, its own character. And that means that two very similar companies will both have common challenges but will also have their own specific challenges that are peculiar to them alone. At Business Doctors we get to see this regularly as part of the work we do in helping business leaders realise and achieve their vision.
Back to the question. If I were to offer one piece of advice that is close to universal it is this. Sell your customers one more thing. That is spend the time to talk to your existing customers, understand them and importantly why they bought from you in the first place. Then ask them what else they need, what else you could help with. It is really surprising sometimes that we spend so much time trying to get new customers that we do not spend enough time to appreciate those we have already converted. By spending the time to talk to those customers who have already bought from you the worst that can happen is you get to know a little better why they chose your business and they get to feel valued.