Big Beer for Small Business

The prospect of business over beer proved a prospect too tantalising to refuse for ambitious SME owners near London Bridge last month. Business Doctor for Bromley, Lawrence Wilson teamed up with Naveed Mughal from Purlieus Consulting and Julie Barry from Rift R&D to deliver a workshop aimed at construction firms ambitious to unlock strategic growth and make the most of the tax relief available to them.
Tristan Senycia Founding Partner of Leverpoint Advisory, commented, ‘Lawrence covered a lot of good material focused on growing a valuable and sellable business. Two points that particularly resonated with me were the impact of recurring revenue & predictability of profit on the value of the company you are building and the need to structure the human resources of the business, so eventually it can operate without the founder(s). His advice lead to me reconsidering the business model I was taking to market and making adjustments required to create recurring revenue.’
The event was such a success that in fact more have been planned for the near future. Keep your eyes peeled on our events board for further details or sign up to our newsletter locate at the bottom of the following page