A collection of business articles for business owners.
Business owners have common issues. I have written about a lot of them. This collection can be browsed for ideas, or to simply confirm that you are not alone.
Planning your business exit when you start out, will help to avoid the traps business owners fall into if they do not have a long term plan. Find out why…
Common Problems Growing a Business and the Best Way to Start Out
A business owner who sleeps well, has a well managed business, potentially this could lead to an easy sale. Find out what factors impact upon the sale value….
Are Business Owners Who Sleep Well at Night Sitting on a Goldmine?
Being truthful about what you, as the owner, would like from your business, will provide clarity for those in the business, find out why…..
Business Owners, “Be Selfish!” to be Kind to Your Business
Do you have a supply chain which is not performing? this program could help you….
Supply Chain Improvement Program
Are you lookiing to break into public sector works? if so this guide will help…
Do You Have All Eggs in One Basket? A Guide to Bidding Public Sector Works
The Baby Boomer generation is due to retire in the next few years. Find out what you need to do if you want to prepare your business for sale
Next Steps for Baby Boomers (b1946-1964)
Empowering the staff will avoid having a sucession issue, find out why….
“The Staff Are Not as Good as Me!”, “There’s Nobody to Take Over From Me”
Large companies operate differently from small businesses. If you want to work for them you have to think like them…..
Re-thinking Your Marketing to Supply a Larger Business
The explosion of digital marketing has made chosing the right marketing channel crutial. Find out the implications for your marketing….
Finding and Connecting With New Clients and Customers
Chosing the right organisation struture will be one of the first stages in scaling, find out what the most common structure is…..
Your Business Has a Handful of Staff. Do You Want to Grow More? How Can it be Scaled Up?
Are you bewildered by the differnt types of business support? this viewpoint explains the differences….
Finding the Right Type of Business Support
Find out the advantages of having a sustainable supply chain…..
Building Sustainable Supply Chains
The annual business review cycle requires a structure to be effective, this suggestion is appicable evey year…..
How can the Original Energy and Passion for a Business be Reignited Every Year?
Good staff feedback can be very motivating, this article explains provides a best practice guide….
Is your mature business boring you? Get some suggestions as to what to do next.
Take Stock, Surprised You Have Achieved Your Long Term Goals? What Next?
Are you paid for doing your occupation or do you have a real business? find out the differnence…..
Professional or Tradesperson v Entrepreneur, the Implications for Your Business
To have customers, you need to be able to tell them what differnce you can make for them. So what is the pupose of your business?
A family busines has an added dimension to other businesses, find out how to manage it….
Balancing Act – an article about family businesses
The Telegraph included some of my recomendations in this article….
Supplying Big Business for SMEs
No business consultant can ignore cash, here is my guide to good cash management….